I must admit, I never really imagined I would be such a hard core coupon user, but here I am. And I have to say I'm proud of it. I'm proud that I know how to get discounts and freebies and provide for my family. I'm proud to that woman who walks away from the grocery store with nothing less than 50% savings. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, my husband lost his job this past week, but surprisingly I feel quite calm about it. We found ourselves in this situation about 3 years ago and at that point I was a basket case, understandably as I was 9 plus months pregnant (yes I was 2 weeks overdue with my first) but also because I had no idea how we were going to survive. Life is expensive and more often than not unemployment won't cut it. Thoughts of diapers, baby needs, and even basic necessities made me sick to my stomach.
Well, this time around I have coupons and I know how to use them!
- I've learned that toiletries, which before I thought were some of the most expensive purchases, can be almost free (and at Rite Aid even Money Makers), you just need to know how to watch for the sales and use a coupon.
- I've learned how to get incredible deals on diapers and baby goods. Between Rite Aid scenarios and the Amazon Mom program that gives Mom's 30% off plus free shipping, diapers can be afforded.
- I've become at master at the drugstore game knowing how to create the perfect scenario using coupons and money making items to get a screaming deal on whatever item I need. You just have to understand coupon policies, ways to stack coupons, and +Up Rewards.
- I've learned that creating a stockpile is necessary to saving money because when you have a stash you are never at the mercy of highly priced items and overpriced stores. I've also learned that it is important to understand and follow deal cycles of stores.
- I've learned that a buy one get one free coupon on a buy one get one free sale means two items free!
-I know how to save money on gas by shopping at Smiths.
-I know how to get free reams of paper at Staples with coupons and rebates.
-I've learned how to feed my family on around $30-$40 a week.
And most importantly, I've learned that my family will be okay until we find another job because of everything else I've learned.
Want more info on how to save money? Visit Simple Mom Solutions
Jessica LeBaron
Simple Mom Solutions