Too many times your birthday or anniversary arrives and you are short of cash. If you think ahead of time you will not have to spend those occasions sitting home doing nothing, feeling sorry for yourself because you do not have the money to go out for a good time. In this article I will give you some simple tips where you can go for free coupons online.
First, go online to the website of your favorite restaurant. Most of them will have forms for you to fill out to get birthday or anniversary coupons. If you do not know their web site address just do an online search with a search engine and you will get their web address.
Secondly, once you have filled out the proper forms you will also find that these restaurants will send you coupons for free or discount food throughout the year.
Third, fill out the coupon completely, filling in your birthday and anniversary then check your email. Many restaurants will send you some type of coupon immediately. This will be thanking you for signing up.
Fourth, many restaurants may give you a free dessert or appetizer when you tell them it is your birthday or anniversary even if you don't have a coupon.
Lastly, in this tough economy where so many restaurants business has fallen off, they are happy to have their clients use coupons and after you used one they may give you another one to bring you back soon, so take advantage of these great deals.
Get Free: Birthday Restaurant Coupons
How to: Get Tips for Coupons
Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Deals and Discounts