2011年4月10日 星期日

Marc Ecko offers 20% discount for life for buyers, get logo tattoo

Tattoo these symbols on your body and receive a 20% discount.Tattoo those symbols of the body and get 20% discount.

How far would you go to get a discount for elegant clothing?

Ecko Unlimited, manufacturers of Lifestyle brand that includes denim, accessories, clothing, sunglasses, sneakers and more offers 20% discount for the life of anyone who wishes to obtain a tattoo of the logo label Rhino or Shears.

In the Web site of mark spoofs, print a copy of one of the logos and the "shop your favorite tattoo."

Creative license is allowed – as Wacky backgrounds and kooky colors, but the logo must be intact in order to be able to get the discount.

The campaign "Branded for life" seems much more painful and expensive than coupon, as well as for only 20% off brand mid-price goods, it is necessary to wonder if he is indeed.

For example, Polo-shirt of Marc Ecko classic lines retails for $ 19.50.? Flash your tattoo and who is your total of $ 15.60.? Plus tax, of course.? Shopper may get more bang for their Buck with higher ticket items, such as Marc Ecko M1 watch, which retrails for $ 225.? With inked discount you can save $ 45.

Then you can start relatively reputable beauty tattoo from the $ 75.? So You already have ways to go before you make a backup of what you have placed in the transaction.

Especially since you can subscribe to e-mail updates, which allow the Ecko fans to receive 15% off goods — without a label permanently fashion victim.

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